Saturday, September 1, 2012

Countdown to Break Time!

It's like Christmas for moms!

I can't be the only one counting down the hours until 8:15 on Tuesday morning--the minute I'll be walking back to the car, all by myself, on the first day of school!

Okay, I still have to wait another whole year until I get "curbside service" for both boys (although Bug is now old enough to be dropped off in front of the school, Pie still has to be hand-delivered by me), but they're finally both at the same school at the same time! Yee-haw!

Prickly Family has had the busiest summer ever--we must have gone on at least a dozen day trips and three overnighterts--and I need a minute to sit down with a cup of coffee and breathe.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod...I can't wait!

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